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Checking a domain

  1. Carefully check the address bar URL. Verify if there is an “s” in the URL, which should look like “https://” to start with. It shows that the site owner is using secured encryption processes to transfer data and protect itself from hackers.
  2. Verify the domain name. Scammers will tend to use similar domain names to trick you. For example, Chainabuse’s domain is, not or
  3. Look up the domain age. You can do this using platforms like If the domain is 3 days old and the website makes it seem like the company is 1 year old, be suspicious.
  4. Never trust reviews. They can be faked.
  5. Do not rely on the number of social media followers. Scammers are strong at creating high followership quickly.
  6. Watch out for grammar and spelling mistakes. An excess of spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors could mean the website went up quickly. Occasional typos on a website can happen, but excessive errors could mean you are not on a legitimate site.
  7. Run a virus scan. Excessive ad content that interferes with your review of the site or pushes you to click on links to be redirected to other websites could indicate a scam or unsecured site.
  8. Use platforms like Chainabuse to verify the domain has not been reported as a scam before interfering.

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