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Safety practices to avoid fraud

  • Never assume the information is real. Professional-looking websites, famous names, adverts, or social media posts do not always mean an opportunity is genuine. Criminals can use the names of well-known brands or individuals to make their scams appear legitimate. Always check the URL is the correct one. For example, chainabuse’s URL is, not or any other domain. If you have a doubt, always email the company using their official email or DM them on Twitter, checking you are contacting their official account before clicking on any link.
  • Set all of your social media accounts to private. Do not accept friend requests from (and subsequently engage with) users you do not know in real life who may contact you with links to airdrop scams or upgrade scams.
  • Only respond to known senders. Always check the email sender before clicking on any link or opening any document. Be aware of email senders that mail looks the same but is not the same.
  • Avoid answering solicitations on any social platform, even in groups you think you can trust: airdrops, investment opportunities.
  • Use two-factor authentication and a password manager system.
  • Regularly back up your data. Block pop-ups. Use a firewall. Keep your browser up to date. Use antivirus software.
  • Protect your emails against spam using spam detection systems.
  • Never give support staff (or anyone else for that matter) remote access to your machine. This effectively gives the scammer full access to your computer, online financial accounts, and digital life.
  • Never accept outbound calls asking for your confidential personal information. Be aware that scammers can spoof legitimate phone numbers when conducting outbound calls.
  • Never give out your 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) security codes or passwords. Chainabuse employees will never ask you to share sensitive authentication credentials.
  • Only use legitimate URLs and other forms of communication when applying to a job.
  • Watch for grammatical errors in communications or on websites. Scammers often make grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Do not be rushed or pressured into making a decision. A genuine bank or financial organization or project won’t force you to part with your money on the spot. Always be wary if you’re pressured to invest quickly or promised returns that sound too good to be true. If it sounds too good to be true, it often is.
  • Never invest in something you do not have expertise in.
  • Stay in control, always. Avoid uninvited investment offers, especially those over cold calls or social media. If you are thinking about making an investment, get independent advice from legally incorporated experts in the field and thoroughly research the company first, using different sources, and being aware of fake sources.
  • Be sure to protect your emails against spam using spam detection systems.
  • Check addresses and domains on Chainabuse before signing transactions or connecting your wallet.

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